How to Clean Leather Car Seats
Leather + Material 17/05/2018
Leather car seats certainly look impressive – until your kids leave crisps and chocolate behind, that is. No need to fret, here’s how to keep your leather car interior in tip-top shape.
How to Care for Smooth Leather Shoes
Leather + Material 08/03/2018
The majority of your shoes are likely made of smooth leather. Are you sure you know how to care for them properly?
How to Care for Oiled Leather Shoes
Leather + Material 16/02/2018
The lines and wrinkles on oiled leather are distinct characteristics of the material rather than flaws. But what exactly is oiled leather and how is it different from other types of leather?
Shining Results for Brush Off Leather Shoes
Leather + Material 21/11/2017
Looking at shoes for a special occasion? High-gloss brush off leather shoes certainly offer an elegant touch, but their maintenance isn’t always straightforward. Here are a few tips and tricks.
Hydrophobic Leather: How to Keep It Waterproof
Leather + Material 31/08/2017
Wellies or rough and tumble boots used to be the only footwear choices for rainy weather. Thankfully, those times are over: There are now stylish all weather shoes made of water-resistant leather.
How to Clean and Maintain Faux Leather
Leather + Material 05/07/2017
Faux leather no longer has the reputation of being just a cheap alternative to real leather. But remember: just because it looks like genuine leather, doesn’t mean you can treat it the same way.
The difference between nubuk and velours
Leather + Material 15/08/2016
Suede, rough leather, nubuk, velours – there are many terms that describe this special, velvety material. There is plenty of room for confusion. But, it is not too hard to make a difference between them.
Canvas Shoes: Cleaning, Washing and Care Made Easy
Leather + Material 29/06/2016
Summertime means time for canvas shoes. Unfortunately, many end up being thrown away after just one season because they start looking unsightly. But must it be that way?
What is nappa leather?
Leather + Material 20/05/2016
Fine smooth leather is a certain kind of smooth leather. Nappa leather is a certain kind of fine smooth leather. Confused yet? Here you can find out about other different types of nappa leather.
Facts about rough leather
Leather + Material 05/12/2012
In this video we explain the difference between nubuk and velours leather and also demonstrate the most important step of rough leather care: the roughening.
Facts about smooth leather
Leather + Material 29/11/2012
Find out how to make a difference between covered and fine smooth leather. Additionally, we show you how to care for the various kinds of leather appropriately.
Facts about High Tex
Leather + Material 28/11/2012
Functional membranes require special care. Learn more about what to avoid while cleaning and which products we recommend for High Tex material.
Facts about Textile
Leather + Material 27/11/2012
Textile is very popular in the production of fashion shoes. But, which care do they need? Learn more about it in this video.
The right care for all materials
Leather + Material 17/02/2012
How can you make a difference between greased leather, synthetics or High-Tex membranes? Find out more in this video.